AI Powered DMCA Takedown Service

The most advanced leak removal service for 🌶️ creators.

Get Started Free
Unlimited Removals
All Usernames
Protecting the world’s top spicy creators & agencies
Madeline-Mai Davies
snax ⋆♱✮♱⋆
Ava Louise

We remove past, current and future leaks.

We start finding & removing your past leaks right away. Any new leaks are removed as they appear.

142 leaks found in last scan

Found using all of your

Our AI searches for your leaked content constantly using all available information.

More leaks found
Leaks are found before they spread
Get Protected

Unlimited removals from Google
& at-source.

Bruqi automatically sends notices to all responsible parties. This makes leaks:

Unfindable by searching on search engines
Removed from the source website

Benefits creators love

All Usernames
All of your usernames & display names used.
Unlimited Removals
All leaks are delisted and requested for removal.
Constant Scans
Constant scans means leaks can’t spread.
DMCA reports where you stay anonymous.
Worldwide Scans
The AI targets leaks shared everywhere.
Slayy team 💅
We stay friendly while being copyright pros.

Track everything

The Bruqi dashboard allows you to track the progress, initiate manual takedowns, safelist links you don’t want removed and more.

Get Protected
There’s no complexity or hidden fees.
7 Day Free Trial. Cancel anytime.
There’s no complexity or hidden fees.
7 Day Free Trial. Cancel anytime.
There’s no complexity or hidden fees.
7 Day Free Trial. Cancel anytime.

Pricing for creators of every size

Designed for people new to exclusive content.
(For newbie creators just starting out and retired creators.)
Weekly scans & reports
Features Include:
All usernames (uncapped)
You can enter all of the accounts you have to make sure you are as protected as possible.
Unlimited Google removals
Unlimited Google delisting/ deindexing making the links unfindable.
Unlimited At-source removals
Fully automatic
Advanced AI leak detection
Creator Pro
Designed for creators with medium popularity.
(Best for the top 25% to 1% on OF or equivalent elsewhere.)
Daily scans & reports
Features Include:
All usernames (uncapped)
Unlimited Google removals
Unlimited at-source removals including Reddit
Fully automatic
Advanced AI & human expert leak detection
Unlimited Manual Takedown Submissions
Catfish and impersonator removals
3 Bonus custom search terms
We already use hundreds of AI optimized search terms, but just in case you want to add yours you can.
1 Bonus custom state or country targeted
Google searches are different depending on where you are searching from. You can add a custom city to make sure searches from there are clean.
Top 1%
Designed to be the best protection possible.
(Only for the top 1% on OF or equivalent elsewhere.)
Hourly scans & reports
Features Include:
All usernames (uncapped)
Unlimited Google & Bing removals
Unlimited at-source removals including Reddit
Fully automatic
Advanced AI & human expert leak detection
Unlimited Manual Takedown Submissions
Catfish and impersonator removals
Bonus custom search terms
3 Bonus chosen cities, states, or countries targeted
Super Affordable
Designed for people new to exclusive content.
(Best with 0 to 10k likes on OF or elsewhere. Also decent for retired creators.)
Features Include:
All usernames (uncapped)
This is some text inside of a div block.
Unlimited Google removals
This is some text inside of a div block.
Unlimited At-source removals
This is some text inside of a div block.
Fully automatic
This is some text inside of a div block.
Advanced AI leak detection
This is some text inside of a div block.
Basic Scan Depth
This is some text inside of a div block.
Weekly Scans & Reports
This is some text inside of a div block.
Most Popular
Designed for creators with medium popularity.
(Recommended for creators with 10k to 200k likes on OF or equivalent elsewhere.)
Features Include:
Everything in Starter and..
This is some text inside of a div block.
Daily Scans & Reports
This is some text inside of a div block.
Advanced Scan Depth
This is some text inside of a div block.
Unlimited Bing removals
This is some text inside of a div block.
Unlimited Manual Takedown Submissions
This is some text inside of a div block.
Catfish and impersonator removals.
Deepfake removals.
Human Review of weird-case suspected leaks
Optional location-targeted ultra focus for 1 country or state.
For the Top 1%
Creator pro
Designed for large creators looking to get the best protection possible.
(Recommended for creators with 200k to 10M likes on OF or equivalent elsewhere.)
Features Include:
Everything in Creator and..
Hourly Scans & Reports (No one else has this!)
Ultra Scan Depth
Optional location-targeted focus for 10 countries, states, or cities.
Advanced multi-language search terms. (Select languages to focus on.)

Frequency Asked Questions

Read all FAQs
I am a faceless creator - is this a problem when issuing DMCA takedowns?

Being a faceless creator does not impact your copyright rights. Regardless of whether you show your face or identity, your original content is protected by copyright as soon as it's created and fixed in a tangible medium. When issuing DMCA takedowns, it's the content's originality and your rights to it that matter, not your personal visibility.

Why would I use a takedown service rather than just do It myself?

Leveraging our automated takedown service ensures swift, professional handling of copyright infringements. With our extensive experience, automation tools, and established relationships, we reduce the risk of notices being rejected and save you valuable time, allowing you to focus on your content creation.

Can you guarantee removals?

While we make every effort to ensure successful content removals and have a high success rate, no DMCA takedown service, including ours, can guarantee removals 100% of the time. Each case depends on various factors, including the platform's response, the clarity of the claim, and the actions of the alleged infringer.

Will I have to do something whilst using Bruqi?

No, our DMCA takedown service is fully automated, ensuring a hands-off experience for you. However, if you choose to, you can self-report specific links or instances of infringement.

Start making leaks disappear

Leakers will never stop! Try a 3 day free trial, you can cancel anytime.

We remove content from 10K+ websites